Shifting from Fear of Failure to the Power of Learning

For a long time, I was pretty freaked out by the idea of failing. Didn’t really matter what it was. I HATED not being great at something. I didn’t want to look stupid, feel rejected, look dumb, etc.

There were lots of things, big and small, that I didn’t try. I let those temporary and superficial feelings, potential feelings in reality, keep me from doing things my soul wanted to try.

Let’d not waste time on regrets though because we’re moving forward!

I heard the idea, that you’re either succeeding or learning, instead of succeeding or failing. And that just felt so much better and true.

What does failure even mean? Who gets to decide? And who the hell cares if we missed our mark? Big damn deal. It doesn’t mean we’re horrible human beings, unworthy, or don’t deserve success. It means we tried something, and it didn’t turn out how we wanted. So what? Try something else or try it another way and drop the drama.

Stop letting “failure” mean something about you. We get really hung up on this and it stops our forward movement. We let it kill our dreams, keep us small, and that’s a lose-lose for everyone! For you, and everyone your “thing” might have helped, touched, or made a difference to. Don’t do that to yourself or the world.

Take a look at what you’re making failure mean about you. Get curious like a scientist or detective. Examine your beliefs. Where did they come from, who said it, and do you want to keep them?

When a baby learns to walk, they fall. A lot. But the baby just keeps getting back up and trying again. Even when they hurt themselves in the process. They don’t quit. And they don’t “not start” because they won’t do it correctly right away. They didn’t fail at walking. They’re just learning how to do it. The same thing applies to us, but we’ve added all the drama on top of “failure.”

What do you want to try now that the only two options are succeeding and learning?

Click here to schedule a discovery call to see if life coaching is a good fit for you. 


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